P.A Chairman


“Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities”, we can relate with this quote by a famous American author/evangelist Robert Schuller. When we look back as Baricho fraternity, the things we have accomplished so far appeared like a dream. The Post-Covid year 2022 was indeed a tough year and with its own uniqueness. This is the year where we had to do four short terms instead of the usual three. However, in spite of all these, through the combined effort of our administration, teachers, support staff, BOM and parents, Baricho High has continued to scale great heights, both in terms of academic and infrastructural development. This journey has not been a simple journey of progress. There have been many ups and downs, and it is the choices that we have made at each of those moments that have helped us realise what we have achieved so far.

The 2022 candidates did us proud. Moving from position 21 to 13 nationally, albeit with a small drop in the mean, was a major achievement. This year’s candidates should know that, as parents, our hearts are pregnant with hope, our expectations are high and we are ready to celebrate again. We hope to move to top 10 nationally with 100% transition to university. Remember success does not just come but you have to go for it.  To the teachers, please note that to the world you may be “just a teacher” but to us, you are our hero. What you have written on the blackboard of life of our young men cannot be erased. Your dedication and commitment to work cannot go unnoticed.  On behalf of all Baricho parents, I say thank you and wish you God’s blessings in all what you do. To our Chief Principle, Mr. Mwangi, and our two deputies, Mr. Wainana and Mr. Mukundi, you are simply the best, we are proud of you and we support every effort and vision you have for the school. To parents, let us continue supporting the school in its effort to become an enviable centre of academic excellence in the country. Finally, our two major flagship project this year will be building twin dormitories which upon completion will accommodate more than 550 students and buying a New Executive Bus.  These two projects will be the game changer in Baricho in all aspects. Therefore, let us all support them. To form one parents and students, “Welcome to B.H.S family. This is where you belong”.

“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” ~ Michelle Obama