Counseling at Baricho Boys High School is one of the most important Departments in school. The Department has a team of six dedicated members, namely: Rev. Kagiri, Mrs. Gikanga, Pastor Edward, Mrs. Munene, Mrs. wanjohi and Mr. Njue. The team is skilled and dedicated in assisting the students come to terms with their social, emotional and psychological problems that at times affect their academic performance.
Counseling is an interactive process between two persons that has a clear beginning and a recognizable end. In the counseling process, the counselor accompanies the client on a journey that involves three stages as identified by Egan (2007
- Exploration Stage.
- Understanding Stage.
- Action Stage.
In each stage, certain counseling skills are used while the core conditions are used throughout the process.
Exploration Stage aims at:
- Establishing a working relationship.
- Clarifying and defining the problem.
- Making an assessment.
- Negotiating a contract.
Understanding Stage aims at:
- Helping the client reassess his/her problem and his/her concern.
- Gain a greater self-understanding and is able to see in a more empowering perspective.
- Feel free to question and explore him/her.
Action Stage aims at:
- Goal setting (target).
- Action planning.
- Action implementation.
- Evaluation (checking the effectiveness of the action plan in helping the client achieve the counseling goals).
Termination Stage
- The counselor and the client celebrate the client’s new learning.
- The client is given an opportunity to explore what the end of the counseling relationship means in order to plan a good ending with the counselor.
- The counselor gives the client an opportunity to share his /her fears and future plans.